Thursday, February 5, 2009

Terrifying stupidity

A Modest Proposal

Lets go defame all intellactual property we are too dumb to understand!

Well, and that was an example of a short satire.

WHAT do you mean that wasn't an irony piece? The title is the very fundamentals that satire is built upon. Sheesh, you guys should learn to judge stuff by its cover...

Well, now that I'm busy and can play dota, i really shouldn't be posting, but well I simply to release the indignation that had been ignited by a review I just read. Well, it kind of reminded me of how awesome Terror Island was as a webcomic and how crestfallen I was when it ended. Anyways, I stumbled on this piece of crap ( while searching for new productions of the authors. The ignorance this retard had displayed simply shows why shitty senseless comdies like drawn together can actually get millions of viewers, matching that of the stellar and brillantly written 30 rock. Well, his stupidity and inability to undertstand some of the jokes is comprehensible but his critism simply displayed such naivety and Oh god! what a boring review it was. Well, that was my review of someone else's review of a webcomic.

Support Terror Island! Support non-profit Innovation!

P.S terror island is a photocomic that stars philosophical chess pieces, not that godawful movie of the same name.

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