Monday, April 27, 2009

Raw Sharks

Wouldn't it be wondeful
if the world was a blank canvas
Interspersed with random specks of oblivion
Circulary consuming their tails

these random pattens
Blind to all
save black and white

Devoid of meaning
Only Self-Justifying pareidolia
"Even in the face of Armageddon, in this I shall not compromise"

I was struck by an intangible fear in my fustration 2day. In workings of the day I shall not bother to illustrate, I chanced upon a fascinating coicidence that seemed to a culmination of all my random actions of 2 days past. It was a surreal experience, almost comparable to the result of intricate clockwork mechanism.

Maybe it was through reading watchmen, I dwelled on this occurence. Is this miraculous event meaningful in any way or is it simply a stastical anamoly. What exactly constitutes a statstical anamoly anyway? In probabilty, there always exists a certain chance for the occurence of statistical anamoly. Having a planet that can support life would be considered an anamoly for the universe, or as Dr. Manhattan stated, the birth of a new live by fusing a sperm and an egg selected from millions is comparable to a thermodynamic miracle. But, in that sense, wouldn't the creation of life be akin to the selection of a specific hand from a deck of cards. There is no miracle about it, simply humans assign and imposing their own intepretations.

Miraculous coicidences are in fact bound to occur since if we ascertain the value of a miracle as being "one in a million", then looking at a millions things a day (we probably see more things than that in a day), a "miracle" would no doubt happen. Extending the same logic, since even miracles are meaningless, what of life which is merely comprised of all these random and predetermined moments.

Is it just a greater form of pareidolia at work, causing us to assume patterns and assigning significance where there is none. We shape the world and the world shapes us, is this a perpetual cycle or is it a wheel that might roll us towards some abstract destiny? Was my poem make any sense or did I simply threw some words together to tangle up into an ungrammatical mess? God, It didn't even have a fucking ryhme scheme

Arggh, this is all so disgusting and not funny! Screw it, I'm gonna to do Maths.

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