Saturday, January 10, 2009


Muhaha, I am actually posting, so like take that, blogspot, cos I'm taking up your space with nonsense. And I saw this super awesome cartoon today,.... on drugs, on cartoon network. It was probably quite old since it was shown in retro timeslot or some crap but it was definitely awesome. It was mainly like a bunch of cartoon characters trying to stop a boy trying to take drugs. How often do you get to see Bugs Bunny and Batman together?!

Though I doubt the effectiveness of the whole cartoon, cos it seemed that the message was, "Don't take drugs or all your favourite characters will magically appear for you". Yeah, I'm probably missing the point here.

Maybe it was supposed to be satire piece and the faggy boy probably already took some drugs and Yeah! I'm totally gonna try some of that!

Anyways, there were appearances of Johnny Bravo, Bugs. Daffy, TMNT and blah blah, you should totally see it. Speaking of TMNT, I bet the writers were on crack when they did that one.

Writer 1: Do you know what's cool

Writer 2: What

Writer 1: Radioactive poisoning, its like all the rage now, like all those guys who got poisoned and got like superpowers!

Writer 3: Yeah! Do you think maybe smoking all this crap will like poison us and turn us into Superman?

Writer 3: hahahaha...., I just threw some weed into your tank dude

Writer 1: You retarded fuck, they could get poisoned and..

Writer 2: turn into Super Turtles?! (sarcasm)

Writer 3: Ninjas! like little ninja turtles!

Writer 2: ....

Writer 1: hahaha, like their archenemy could be a samurai, cos samurai totally hate ninjas

Writer 2: yeah..., and maybe they would have a mouse for a teacher and we can eat piss for dinner

Writer 3: fucking awesome!

Yeah, and the teenage part was probably aimed to whitewash the minds of American teens ( like that would make any difference)

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