Friday, July 26, 2013

Pacific Rim Abridged

Disclaimer: I really like the movie Pacific Rim and I believe that measure of great movie is in its ability to suspend your disbelief despite the gaping plot-holes that are sure to arise in a movie about giant robots fighting monsters. Guillermo del Toro did this successfully. Nevertheless, one cannot help but make fun of the film. 

Quick, snap a photo

Prologue: Monsters appear and Giant robots are built. 2 pilots are needed to pilot 1 robot because of SCIENCE
Fade in:
Military Facility

Charlie Hunnam and Diego klatteahsds  DISCOUNT MATT DAMON step into the Punchbot Mach 3  

Charlie Hunnam

We're brothers and thus kickass at this mind handshake needed to pilot the giant robots
Discount Matt Damon

And I also know about all the times you masturbated

Idris Elba

Let's not delve into how screwed up it is for two brothers to share each other's deepest darkest secrets and just do the mission. Remember not to save that fishing boat.

They save the fishing boat
Idris Elba

Gee, I sure hope that insubordination does not become a recurring  theme.

Robot engages sea monster and punches it in a pretty epic manner. All seems well till the sea monster submerges itself into the sea, which is apparently all it takes to outmanoeuvre a multi-billion dollar weapon

Discount Matt Damon

Seriously, even that fucking fishing boat had a sonar. Seems like a pretty huge oversig... Arghhh, the pain.

Lulz, no wards.

Discount Matt Damon (to Hunnam)
This would be you if I were the real Matt damon.

Charlie Hunnam pilots the Jaeger solo to shore safely, apparently because the monster is sticking strictly to its one-human-a-day diet

Old people on screens

We're shutting down the Avengers..., um, I mean the Jaegers  initiative.  We think the Coastal Wall program is more promising.

Idris Elba
 Is that some codename for a new weapon. Surely you can't mean a literal ...
Old people on screens

Yep. A great suggestion by Senator Herbert Love

Idris Elba
Those fucking things don't even work against Mexican immigrants. And what do you expect the monsters to do after they accumulate outside the Wall. Start their own monster society?

Old people on screens

It worked on game of Thrones. (beat) No time to talk, gotta go approve these warrants to arrest Spiderman and Batman.

- 5 year passes, the wall works and we host the first ever human-monster summit. NOT. 

Narrator: Now the story of a wealthy country which lost everything, and the one pilot who had no choice but to keep it all together. It's Hunnam's Arrested Development

Ext :Hong Kong Jaeger Base

Idris and Rinko Kikuchi takes Hunnam on tour of facility, introducing the Chinese, Russian and American robot team.

Charlie Hunnam

What a great demonstration of global superpowers uniting to stand against a threat greater than all of us.

Guillermo del Toro
Yeh, about that....

Max Martini (hugs Hunnam)
My old friend. Sorry about not calling or contacting you for five years.
I'm his son and will be jerk ass to everyone for inexplicable reasons to set up my redemption later.
Max Martini
Ye, my son doesn't respect me.

Charlie Hunnam
Must be all the times he knows you masturbated

Charlie Day and Burn Gorman
Don't forget us, the comedic exposition SCIENCE duo. Think of us as Jeff Goldblum from independence day but even less cool.

Burn Gorman (to Idris Elba)
Anyway, SCIENCE tells me that we should be able deploy a nuclear bomb into the dimensional rift now due to SCIENCE reasons.  My maths skills also tell me that the monster attacks are increasing in frequency and soon there will be two monsters attacking at once.

Idris Elba
You took 3 blackboards' worth of equation to derive a simple exponential function?

Burn Gorman
Maybe... But since my Maths skill can predict when the monsters will spawn, perhaps we could deploy our robots to preempt each attack or evacuate civilians earlier?

Idris Elba
Ain't nobody got time for that. (turns to Charlie Day) And don't mind link with that monster brain in the lab.

Charlie Day mind links with the Monster's brain

Idris Elba
Well, fuck... Does anyone here actually follow my commands.

Charlie Day
But I made an amazing discovery that the monsters are a clones of an alien master race who likes to send their soldiers power-rangers style

Idris Elba
Then I need you to find another monster brain and do it again to get more info. Go to this black market monster parts dealer who is also funding our entire project

Charlie Day
You're sending me, one of your only two scientist, into clearly  dangerous territory with no protection whatsoever? Did you get your job through nepotism?

Idris Elba
Did you?

Charlie day

Meanwhile, Hunnam searches for a co-pilot for his restored Punchbot Mach 3 by sparring with a bunch of dudes as Kikuchi and Elba watches

Hunnam (defeats a few dudes)

Only the one who defeats the ONE gets to ride with the ONE.

Pfft... You could have taken them down with without those superfluous moves

Why don't you come try me then.



Well, since you taunted me (sends Kikuchi over).

Kikuchi proceeds to make the superfluous moves she only just criticised and an even fight filled with sexual tension ensues. Elba still refuses to make Kikuchi the co-pilot but the whole audience already know from induction that the exact opposite is going to happen

Ext: Testing area of punch machine Mach 3

Clifton Collins

Are you sure the best place to test a nuclear-powered weapon with a pilot you yourself has accessed as unstable is in an enclosed area full of people and other multi-billion dollar weapons?

I'm sure nothing bad can happen.

Something bad happens which almost kills everyone.

Glados (sarcastically)

Would you like to try again?

 We also see Kikuchi's back story, which involves her being rescued by black Jesus, who is actually Idris Elba, but that isn't really important as 2 monsters attack Tokyo Hong Kong.


Send out Russianbot, Chinesebot and douchebot. And evacuate the coastal areas right away. Seriously, why are there even people living in an area that gets attacked by giant monsters every two weeks.

People running in panic
The real estate prices here are like really good man.

Chinesebot and Russianbot engage first monster but gets sneak attacked by 2nd monster, which giant monsters the size of multiple buildings are apparently good at.


Stop farming, Douchebot, and do your job

Douchebot, We need you for the bomb run later, so don't ... you know what, I'm not even going to bother.

Robert (Pilots robot into the fray)
Let go punch some monsters

Max Martini
Or you know, we could assist them using our variety of guns, plasma beams and missiles from here.

Is that how ranged weapons work?

Robert and max proceed to use Douchebot's array of plasma cannons, missiles and swords to punch the monster in the face and calls it their ultimate technique, showing a failure to understand both the words, "ultimate" and "technique".
- This works somehow -

Monster 1
I think it is time.

Monster 2

Well, ok, this does seem like the most climatic moment to do it (deploys emp)

The emp shorts out douchebot and all other circuitry in the city but not nuclear-powered punchbot because of SCIENCE! Monster 2 circles douchebot menacingly while Monster 1 goes to find Charlie Day in the city with I presume to be spider sense.

Monster 2 (circles douchebot)

Which of these two humans should I eat. Gotta watch my weight here.
Sup, ugly (proceeds to get punched into city)

Weren't all these lights short-circuited by the emp. If they working now, that'll mean that Douchebot...
Guillermo del Toro

Are you ok, Kikuchi. Stay with me, Kikuchi. do this, Kikuchi. And that, Kikuchi.

Bitch, I can handle myself (punches monster 2 to death)

Monster 1
NOOOOOOOO.... For family and honour. (grabs Punch bot)

Monster 1
Surprise motherfucker, I can fly

And I have a sword.
Monster 1
Why would that even ...  arghh

Hunnam and kikuchi 
(as punchbot falls from the sky)
Maybe we didn't think this through.

Clifton Collins
Use your plasma cannon to counteract the force of gravity. Trust me, I saw this in an episode of Dragonball.

This works and they live

Idris Elba
It is time to carry out the plan

But who is going to be my co-pilot. My dad is injured. (sees Elba in a pilot suit). You may have made a lot of dubious decisions, but sending the chief commander of the mission into the mission itself has got to be insane.

Idris Elba
It's not like I'm effective as the Chief Commander either

Point Taken
The three robots proceeds and get ambushed yet again by three monsters. Douchebot gets damaged pretty badly

We can't  possibly complete the mission now. Hunnam, You will have to pass into the rift and detonate punchbot's nuclear core.

Idris Elba
And as the only black guy in this film, I know what I have to do.  (sacrifices self by detonating nuclear bomb which only has a  5 mile blast radius)

That looked in no way strong enough to devastate another world.

Meanwhile, Charlie Day and Burn Gorman corrupts the mind of a newly born monster from the dead pregnant monster ( kaiju Love : The forbidden story between two monster clones) and finds out that the rift has a barcode scanner that only let monsters in. This hypothesis has apparently never occurred to any of the scientists. they rush back to the base on foot.

Charlie Day
To go into the rift, the rift must detect the presence of a monster trying to pass through

Clifton Collins
So are you saying that Punchbot must grab a monster as it goes into the rift to self-destruct?

Charlie Day
I was actually suggesting we could Boromir-bomb it.

Clifton Collins
(blank stare)

Charlie Day
You know, attach a monster, like the baby, to a nuclear missile and just launch it into the rift. But I guess since they're there already, we could do your plan.
Before I proceed with this suicide mission, I'd seriously like to know why we don't just spawn kill the monsters with missile barrages since they only come in from one point. Or better yet, just fill this area with sea mines.

Clifton Collins
Because fuck you that's why

Punchbot grabs a monster and self-destructs after passing through. Hunnam and Kikuchi are launched back into Earth safely because the Rift's ID scanner only works one way.

Nooo.... We're only victims of our  military-industrial complex

Ext: Pacific Occean 

Hunnam and Kikuchi are in their completely undamaged escape pods

Hunnam (to Kikuchi)
Should we kiss now?
Nah, I know about all the times you masturbated